“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…” – Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday, June 2

For today's post, choose one event from today and compose a piece of writing that includes the following components of nature-writing:

- observations (what did you see, hear, smell, feel, taste, etc.?) 
- meanings (personification, simile, metaphor, symbolism, connections/relationships, imagery) 
- delivery (poetry, prose, reflection, narrative, etc.) 

Be sure to include pictures! 

It was another chilly, cloudy day, but that didn't keep us from having a great day out in the woods and on the water:

read an excerpt from "The Ponds" by Thoreau
traveled to Eastwood MetroPark for hiking a section of the Buckeye Trail and kayaking
lunch @ Eastwood

worked on blogs

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